Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Twenty-First Century Holistic Learning: A Caribbean Perspective: Shermain Barrett


Shermain Barrett

Dr. Shermain Barrett has been involved in adult education for many years, including environmental education for community leaders in Jamaica. In this episode, she shares how adult learning is about preparing people for the world of work. As educators, we need to understand our learners and engage them with a holistic approach that develops the skills and competencies needed in the 21st century.

Dr. Shermaine Barrett is a Professor of Adult Education and Workforce Development. She holds a PhD in Work and Human Resource Education from the University of Minnesota, USA and a Masters Degree in Adult Education from the Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, Canada. She has a strong background in academic leadership and management, having served in various leadership capacities over twenty years at the University of Technology, Jamaica. She is the Acting Deputy President of the University of Technology, Jamaica. Her substantive post is Dean of the Faculty of Education and Liberal Studies (FELS) and has served as Head of the School of Technical and Vocational Education (SOTAVE).

Her professional experience goes beyond academia, as she has served in several other positions of leadership in industry and the not-for-profit sector. She has served as Principal Consultant with SAMBAR Associates, a training and development consulting company she founded. She has also served on several local and international Boards.  She is the immediate past Caribbean Vice President of the International Council for Adult Education (ICAE) and the Jamaican Council for Adult Education (JACAE) president.

She is the author of the book “Adult Education, Social Change and Development in Post Colonial Jamaica: Investing in Human Capital.” She has also authored several journal articles and book chapters.

Professor Barrett has been invited as a speaker at various conferences, seminars, and other forums, local and international, face-to-face and virtual.


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Transitions Shermain Barrett Interview Transcript


Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Digitalization and Higher Education in Germany: Lisa Breitschwerdt

Lisa Breitschwerdt


In this podcast episode, Dr. Lisa Breitschwerdt shares her research on the professionalization of adult education at the University of Wurzburg. She loves being a researcher and learning in the international context. Her passion and transition into adult learning came from her study of pedagogy in Bavaria, and she wants to help others enjoy and understand the broad field of adult learning.

Dr. Lisa Breitschwerdt is a research associate at the Professorship for Adult and Continuing Education at the University of Würzburg. She holds a master’s degree in educational science and a PhD in Adult Education. Her current research focuses on digitalization and professionalization in adult and higher education from a multilevel perspective. Further, she is working on organizational research, didactics, methods of teaching and learning, and dialogical perspectives in adult education research. She has experience working with international student groups on comparative perspectives in Adult Learning and Education. Further, she has expertise in qualitative and quantitative research methods. Within broader project contexts, she oversaw the realization of larger case studies with adult education institutions in Germany.

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Transitions Lisa Breitschwerdt Interview Transcript

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Authenticating Lifelong Learning in South Africa: Colette February


Colette February


In this podcast episode, Dr. Colette February shares her experiences as a mature student in the South African higher education environment and how it has positively shaped her identity. She discusses the motivation and needs of mature learners and the importance of flexibility in time and space needs that higher education should consider. 


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Transitions Colette February Interview Transcript



Monday, April 22, 2024



Transitions from Pedagogy to Andragogy: An International Perspective is an edited volume that emphasizes the importance of the college and postsecondary experience as the key transition point for individuals as they move into the adult world. This transition is critical to the transformational process of becoming a lifelong learner. Each author is asked to share their ideas about their country’s educational systems and their own personal experiences in terms of becoming lifelong learners.
Leslie Cordie

Join Dr. Leslie Cordie, the host for this series of podcasts, on this journey with 14 adult educators on best practices across the transition to adulthood and reflections on lifelong learning. The podcast episodes provide a global perspective and recognition of this transitional process which is called Chuagogy.

 Listen to Leslie's Introduction